Invited Talk

Title: Towards Knowledge Graph Federations: Issues and Technologies

Time: 9:20-10:20 (Beijing time, UTC+8), September 20, 2020

Prof. Xiang Zhao, National University of Defense Technology

Abstract: In enterprises at scale, knowledge bases tend to be constructed by different departments along with the development of their own information systems, which hinders the use of knowledge at the enterprise level. To overcome the limit, on top of solitary knowledge graphs, we present the concept of knowledge graph federation with the aim of uniting knowledge graphs to boost intelligent services at the enterprise level. In this talk, we will discuss the notion of knowledge graph federation, as well as current issues in the direction. Particularly, relating to the issues, we will share some recent progress on constructing domain knowledge graphs from noisy Chinese text, and benchmarking the performance of knowledge graphs fusion via entity alignment.


Biography: Dr. Xiang Zhao is an associate professor at College of Systems Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, China, where he also serves as the head of the direction of knowledge systems engineering. His research focus is to find effective and efficient solutions for managing, integrating and analyzing very large amount of complex data for business, scientific and personal applications. He has been working in the area of graph management and mining, knowledge graph construction, and recommendation. He is a regular invited reviewer for journals including IEEE TKDE, World Wide Web Journal, Information Sciences, and serves on the program committees including VLDB, ICDE, AAAI and CIKM. He was a recipient of ACM SIGMOD China Rising Star award, Young Talents Lift-up Program for China Association for Science and Technology, and Hunan Provincial Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.